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Job security flew out the door decades ago—and now seems forever out of reach, thanks to the Great Recession. As much of our economy follows jobs to other countries, especially China, Americans must wonder what we will be left holding.
Can we retrieve what we have lost?
Apek Mulay knows we can. His book Mass Capitalism: A Blueprint for Economic Revival presents solutions to the economic problems threatening the survival of the US and global economies. Mass capitalism would help:
— establish a balanced economy
— eliminate unemployment
— eliminate deficits and national debt
— revive the US economy
— establish a free-market economy.
A true free market—with minimal government intervention and lower taxes on individuals—calls for the majority shares of Fortune 500 companies to be owned by their employees, rather than outside investors.

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A Blueprint for Economic Revival

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Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 2 cm

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Mass Capitalism: A Blueprint for Economic Revival presents solutions to the economic problems that are threatening the survival of the US economy. They would help establish a free-market economy in the United States, which would lead to a balanced economy, high investments, high growth, and increased motivation for employees to work hard and result in a steady growth in corporate profits. The ideas presented would truly materialize all the ideals and goals of most macroeconomic theories. Mass capitalism would help establish a balanced economy, eliminate unemployment, eliminate deficits and national debt, lead to a revival of the US economy and help establish a free-market economy, which has a minimal government intervention and lower taxes on individuals. Click here to read a testimonial about Apek Mulay’s credentials in macroeconomics from Professor Ravi Batra, a world-famous economist, who also has the best track record of economic forecasts compared to any economist in modern times. The back cover of the hardback edition includes testimonials from a well-known expert in semiconductor industry and from Professor Ravi Batra.

In Mass Capitalism, Mulay demonstrates his expertise in macroeconomics, socio-economics, supply chains, business models, geo-politics, macro-finance, and interactions among these entities on the capital-intensive semiconductor industry. Yet his clear, simple explanations make the concepts accessible to all readers, regardless of their familiarity with economics or the microelectronics industry.

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Sustaining Moore’s Law

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $30.00.

While Moore’s Law has, on one hand, helped drive investments toward technological and economic growth, thereby benefiting the consumers with more powerful electronic gadgets, Moore’s Law has indirectly also helped to fuel other innovations in the global economy. However, the Law of diminishing returns is now questioning the sustainability of further evolution of Moore’s Law and its ability to sustain the progress of today’s knowledge based economy. The lack of liquidity in the global economy is truly bringing the entire industry to a standstill and the dark clouds of an economic depression are hovering over the global economy.

What factors have been ignored by the global semiconductor industry leading to a demise of Moore’s Law?
Do the existing business models prevalent in the semiconductor industry pose any problems? Have supply chains made that progress unsustainable?
In today’s globalized world, have businesses been able to sustain national interests while driving the progress of Moore’s Law?

Could the semiconductor industry help the entire global economy move toward a radiance of the new crimson dawn, beyond the veil of the darkest night by sustaining the progress of Moore’s Law? The entire semiconductor industry is now clamoring for a fresh approach to overcome existing barriers to the progress of Moore’s Law, and this book delivers just that. Moore’s Law can easily continue for the foreseeable future if the chip manufacturing industry becomes sustainable by having a balanced economy. The sustainable progress of Moore’s Law advocates the “heresy” of transforming the current economic orthodoxy of monopoly capitalism into free-market capitalism. The next big thing that everybody is looking forward to after mobile revolution is the “Internet of Things” (IoT) revolution. While some analysts forecast that the IoT market would achieve 5.4 billion connections worldwide by 2020, the poor consumer purchasing power in global economy makes this forecast truly questionable. Sustaining Moore’s Law presents a blueprint for sustaining the progress of Moore’s Law to bring about IoT Revolution in the global economy.



Uncertainty Leading to a Certainty of IoT Revolution

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Foreword by Ravi Batra

What is commonly known as Moore’s Law is a mystery to most of us, but to those who are engaged in the production and marketing of computers and related products the law is an awe-inspiring discovery made by Gordon Moore as far back as 1965. The Law is actually a forecast that processor speeds or a computer’s processing power will roughly double every two years. Incredible as it is, the forecast has been fairly accurate over the years.
Moore’s Law relates not only to technology but also to the economics of the electronic industry. Moore’s forecast suggested that computer cost and prices would fall sharply over the coming decades and that computers would be increasingly used in science as well as R&D activity. Now Mr. Apek Mulay, an electronics engineer, extends Moore’s law to the working of macroeconomics. He makes a big leap from the economics of the electronic industry to the economics of a nation.
In a relatively short period, Mr. Mulay has become a prolific writer. His first book, Mass Capitalism: A Blue Print for Economic Revival, dealt with the relationship between Moore’s Law and macroeconomic policy. Now he has written another volume, Sustaining Moore’s Law: Uncertainty Leading to a Certainty of IoT Revolution, that extends his earlier analysis to many new areas. It is well known that there is hardly any area of technology left untouched by the Law. But it is no longer clear if the Law’s bold forecast will continue to hold, especially when its validity requires an increasing amount of investment in the computer and semiconductor industry. In other words, experts fear that a well-known rule of economics, the law of diminishing returns, will soon come into play and lower the return on investments linked to the upholding of Moore’s law.
In the present work, the author shows how this can be avoided through proper economic policy. This is because in general the return on any kind of investment depends on the health of the macro economy, or the basic forces of supply and demand. If a nation’s total production is in balance with total demand, goods produced by industries have a ready market and an adequate profit. However, if supply exceeds demand, there is overproduction that leads to a recession and layoffs. In that milieu, the return on investment becomes mediocre and may even be negative. All this only means that proper macroeconomic policy is needed to ensure the profitability of any project.
To my knowledge, Mr. Mulay is the only writer who has made a connection between Moore’s Law and macroeconomic policy. The Law has played a significant role in the vast computer revolution, but the author argues that without proper economic policies the future validity of this law is at best uncertain. Mr. Mulay’s contribution to the economic and technological literature is both monumental and practical. It is an innovative approach that deserves further study and research. It will appeal to those looking for new ideas.

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Improving Reliability of Tungsten Plug Via on an Integrated Circuitry : Process Flow in BiCMOS and CMOS technology with Failure Analysis,Design of Experiments,Statistical Analysis & Wafer Maps

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $20.00.

The failure of an electronic circuitry with Aluminum metal process due to electromigration degradation has been a continuous process of research and development in semiconductor industry. With the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) revolution in global semiconductor industry, there is an expected huge demand for analog ICs for healthcare, automotive and other consumer electronic applications. Analog ICs make use of Aluminum metal process as most of the analog applications do not need a state-of-the-art technology. Aluminum is not only cost effective in use but also easy to use in processing as compared to copper. However, Aluminum metal process is prone to electromigration failures. Hence, Electronic chips that make use of Aluminum metal process have to undergo rigorous tests for reliability related failures. When wafer yield becomes low due to electromigration related failures, it results into a huge loss for the semiconductor foundries because of the capital intensive nature of this business. Hence, Semiconductor Industry Professional should be equipped with detail process steps in order to improve the process yield including statistical analysis with Design of Experiments (DoE).




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The failure of an electronic circuitry with Aluminum metal process due to electromigration degradation has been a continuous process of research and development in semiconductor industry. With the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) revolution in global semiconductor industry, there is an expected huge demand for analog ICs for healthcare, automotive and other consumer electronic applications. Analog ICs make use of Aluminum metal process as most of the analog applications do not need a state-of-the-art technology. Aluminum is not only cost effective in use but also easy to use in processing as compared to copper. However, Aluminum metal process is prone to electromigration failures. Hence, Electronic chips that make use of Aluminum metal process have to undergo rigorous tests for reliability related failures. When wafer yield becomes low due to electromigration related failures, it results into a huge loss for the semiconductor foundries because of the capital intensive nature of this business. Hence, Semiconductor Industry Professional should be equipped with detail process steps in order to improve the process yield including statistical analysis with Design of Experiments (DoE).

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